Film pokazuje możliwości głowicy z rotorem.

Because the antenna has the ability to change physical sizes depending on the band on which it works, it does not require an antenna box.

It also has the ability to change the direction of work without having to rotate and bidirectional work.

Changing the parameters is done by means of the driver visible in the film or by means of a computer.

Antena umocowana jest na maszcie który można położyć do pozycji poziomej . 

Głowica na której jest umieszczony rotor zmienia położenie co pozwala utrzymać antenę stale w poziomie.

Ułatwia to prace serwisowe.

It is located on the roof of a 10-story skyscraper almost 40 m above the ground.

The mast is located on the edge of the building so for work in the 40m band the dipole has practically the full wavelength to the ground, which gives fantastic propagation conditions.

ULTRABEAM UB-50 is my basic antenna
for bands from 40m to 6m.

It is a multi-band monobander.

3 elements for 20m to 6m bands and one element for 40m bands.
